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Find Joe: Secret of the Stones Walkthrough

Find Joe: Secret of the Stones is the prequel game to Find Joe: Unsolved Mystery. While the first game followed Sheriff Jones and his investigation of the mysterious disappearance of a boy named Joe, this second game follows Margaret Garcia, the author of the book Joe read that led him to an alternate world.

At the start of the game, Margaret Garcia was only a student with a curious mind. After witnessing a meteor crash during one of her classes, an agent approaches her in an attempt to silence her. Finding the situation suspicious, she starts her own investigation and uncovers a secret that can change the world and everything they know about it.

Created by the same makers as Mary’s Mystery: Hidden Object, this game is a mix of sci-fi fantasy and mystery thriller. While the game is mostly a hidden object game, it will challenge how creative your brain is in solving certain puzzles that require more than one or two steps to obtain the object you need. While facing tough mini-games and puzzles can be exhilarating and entertaining to some players of the genre, it can also be frustrating for some who are casual gamers or not used to this level of difficulty.

And although purchasing hints is always an option, the ones the game gives isn’t always direct or easy to understand. Because of this, we at Level Winner have decided to make a guide that any player of any level can use to help them get out of the trickiest of puzzles so they can move forward and get one step closer to learning more about the secret of the stones.

Part 1: Margaret

Young scientist Margaret becomes a witness of a strange meteorite falling in her hometown.

Margaret’s House

Glass of Milk
This item is found on top of the table.
Blue Slipper
This item is found on the rug on the floor, in front of the refrigerator.
Cereal Box
This item is found inside the brown, two-door cabinet.
  • Swipe the right door of the cabinet to the right.
  • Tap the Cereal Box to collect it.
Piece of Toast
This item must be made using the toaster and the piece of bread:
  • Drag the piece of bread from the table to the red toaster.
  • Wait for the bread to cook.
  • Tap the Piece of Toast to collect it.
Purple Science Book
This item is found at the top of the brown cabinet, behind a box.
  • Swipe the box to the left to reveal the book.
  • Tap the Purple Science Book to collect it.

Yellow Sticky Note

This item is found on the refrigerator door.

  • Tap the fridge to get a closer look.
  • Tap the Yellow Sticky Note to collect it.

Framed Gold Medal

This item is found to the left of the refrigerator.

The Important Clue is Margaret’s Backpack. This is given to her by her father.


Active Light Bulb

The inactive version of this item is found at the front left desk, next to a hamster wheel.

  • Drag the hamster on the floor to the hamster wheel to power up the light bulb.
  • Tap the Active Light Bulb to collect it.

Magnifying Glass

This item is found inside the second drawer near the board.

  • Tap the drawer to reveal the item inside it.
  • Tap the Magnifying Glass to collect it.

Inscribed Triangle Drawing

This item is found among the papers on the back left desk but must be pieced together.

  • Tap the papers.
  • Arrange the pieces together to form the drawing.
  • Tap the Inscribed Triangle Drawing to collect it.

Einstein’s Equation

This item is written by the teacher on the board.

  • Drag the piece of chalk to the teacher.
  • Wait for the teacher to finish writing the equation.
  • Tap Einstein’s Equation to collect it.


This item is found on the back right desk, next to the green book.

Portrait of An Old Man

This item is found above the board but must be pieced together.

  • Drag the missing piece from the middle right desk, close to the male student, to the frame above the board.
  • Tap the Portrait of An Old Man to collect it.

Pair of Eyeglasses

This item is found on the male student’s face.

  • Tap the male student to catch his attention.
  • After turning his head, tap the Pair of Eyeglasses to collect it.

Fire Extinguisher

This item is found under the board, behind a small stool.

  • Swipe the stool to the right.
  • Tap the Fire Extinguisher to collect it.

Red Flower

This item is found on top of the potted plant at the right side of the screen.

The Important Clue is the smoke outside the window. Tap to investigate.

Meteorite Crash Site

Brown Dog

The dog is found inside the burning pickup truck.

  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Take the Fire Extinguisher from it and drag it to the pickup truck to extinguish the flames.
  • Take the golden key from the overhang roof of the red house and drag it to the door of the pickup truck to unlock it.
  • Tap the Brown Dog to collect it.

Bicycle with a Basket

The item is found inside the right garage door on the building at the right side of the screen. It needs a basket to complete it.

  • Swipe up the right garage door, revealing the bicycle.
  • Swipe the bicycle to the left to bring it out.
  • Grab the basket next to the dead tree and add it to the bicycle.
  • Tap the Bicycle with a Basket to collect it.

Wooden Wheel

This item is found on the roof of the red house, just above the second floor window.


This item is found in front of the red house, next to the cardboard box.

Pair of Yellow Boots

This item is found hanging from a dead tree but is missing its pair.

  • Drag the Yellow Boot from the cardboard box to the other one hanging on the dead tree to create a pair.
  • Tap the Pair of Yellow Boots to collect it.

Trash Can

This item is found behind the left garage door on the building at the right side of the screen.

  • Swipe up the left garage door to reveal the Trash Can.
  • Tap the Trashcan to collect it.

Stop Sign

This item is found under three pieces of rocks at the right side of the crater.

  • Swipe the three rocks on top of the Stop Sign outwards.
  • Tap the Stop Sign to collect it.

Purple Meteorite Piece

This item is found underneath a mound at the left side of the crater.

  • Drag the pickaxe on the pickup truck to the mound to remove the rubble
  • Once cleared, tap the Purple Meteorite Piece to collect it.

Wooden Tool Box

This item is found behind 3 wooden planks leaning against the red house.

  • Swipe all the planks to the right to reveal the item.
  • Tap the Wooden Tool Box to collect it.

The Important Clue is the man in a trench coat that arrives in a black car. Tap the man to talk to him.

Police Department

Circular Radio Part

This item is found inside the radio by the corner of the room, on top of a 3-drawer dresser.

  • Tap the radio to take a closer look at it.
  • Swipe to the right to turn the radio around.
  • Tap the 4 knobs to remove them.
  • Swipe to the right to remove the hatch.
  • Tap the Circular Radio Part to collect it.

Push Pin

This item is found on the filing cabinet at the lower right side of the screen, holding down a letter.

Mouse Trap with Cheese

This item is found on the ground at the lower left side of the screen.

  • Drag the cheese hiding behind the stack of cardboard boxes towards the mouse trap to combine them.
  • Tap the Mouse Trap with Cheese to collect it.


This item is found wrapped around one of the blades of the ceiling fan.

  • Tap the bottom drawer of the 3-drawer dresser to reveal one part of a pair of scissors.
  • Tap the large box next to the stack of cardboard boxes to reveal another part of a pair of scissors.
  • Drag the scissor part from the drawer to the one on the box to combine them.
  • Use the scissors to cut the cable of the ceiling fan to stop it from spinning.
  • Tap the Tape on the ceiling fan’s blade to collect it.

Red Scarf

This item is found behind the black hat on the hat stand.

  • Tap the black hat to make it fall to reveal the Red Scarf.
  • Tap the Red Scarf to collect it.


This item is found in the locked second drawer of the 3-drawer dresser.

  • Tap the filing cabinet drawer to reveal a key.
  • Drag the key inside it to the locked drawer of the dresser to reveal the Camera.
  • Tap the Camera to collect it.


This item is found inside the envelope on the floor.

  • Tap the envelope to open it.
  • Swipe upwards to reveal the Polaroids.
  • Tap the Polaroids to collect them.

Typewritten Paper

The piece of paper can be found in between the blinds at the right side of the screen. It must be used with a typewriter before it can be collected.

  • Drag the piece of paper to the typewriter on Agent Stanley’s desk.
  • Swipe the typewriter to the left to make Agent Stanley type on it.
  • The paper will fall on top of the stack of cardboard boxes.
  • Tap the Typewritten Paper to collect it.

Blue Pen

This item is found behind the typewriter. If you’ve already done the steps above, you’ll just need to tap the Blue Pen to collect it.

The Important Clue is the file inside the safe.

  • The paper on Agent Stanley’s desk contains the combination for the safe behind the painting on his wall.
  • Rotate the dial in the correct order of 30, 50, and 90 and the safe will open to reveal a File.
  • Tap the file to view it.


Circular Mirror

This item is found underneath the books on the floor.

  • Swipe the 2 books to the lower left direction to reveal the Circular Mirror.
  • Tap the Circular Mirror to collect it.

Plum-colored Dress on a Hanger

The item is found underneath the green shirt on the floor and must be hung on a hanger.

  • Tap the green shirt twice to fold it.
  • Swipe the folded green shirt to the left to reveal the dress.
  • Drag the dress to the hanger on the left side of the window at the center to hang it.
  • Tap the Plum-colored Dress on a Hanger to collect it.


This item is found at the ceiling and must be unscrewed.

  • Swipe the bulb in a curved motion to the left twice to unscrew it.
  • Tap the Lightbulb to collect it.


This item is found behind a poster with a maze which must be solved first.

  • Using the arrows on the lower part of the poster, draw a line from the start of the maze to its end.
  • Once the maze is solved, tap the Envelope revealed behind the poster to collect it.

Vinyl Record

This item is found inside the suitcase underneath the bed at the right side of the room.

  • Swipe the black shoes near the right bed to the lower right.
  • Swipe the suitcase to the lower left to bring it out of the bed.
  • Swipe the suitcase upward to open it and reveal the Vinyl Record.
  • Tap to collect the Vinyl Record.


This item is found behind the green blinds.

  • Swipe the green blinds upward to reveal more of the window.
  • Tap the Sun to collect it.

Brown Bag

This item is found on top of the bed at the right side of the room.

Blue Telephone

Part of the item is found on the side table in the middle of the two beds.

  • Swipe the chair to the right to reveal the telephone’s missing piece.
  • Drag the telephone piece to the other piece on the side table to complete it.
  • Tap the Blue Telephone to collect it.


This word appears after solving the riddle on the blue desk.

  • Tap the book with matches on the blue desk.
  • Move the vertically placed matchstick on the plus sign onto the number 6 to turn it into an 8 to make the equation correct.
  • Tap the word “Done!” to collect it.

The Important Clue is the green gadget in the middle of the room.

  • Drag the violet-colored lens above the blue colored lens.
  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Purple Meteorite Piece to the base of the gadget.



This item is found on a tree branch on the left tree.

Sardine Can

This item is found at the top of the exhaust pipe of the lab.


A part of this item is found in the small mound on the ground. It must be completed before you can collect it.

  • Swipe the blue magnet piece to the upper left direction to reveal it.
  • Swipe the lower glass window of the laboratory to reveal the red magnet piece.
  • Drag the red magnet piece to the blue magnet piece to complete it.
  • Tap the Magnet to collect it.


This item is found underneath the scratches on the ground.

  • Swipe the top glass window of the lab to the right to reveal a rake piece.
  • Drag the rake piece to the stick on the ground to complete the tool.
  • Drag the rake on the scratches to reveal the Compass.
  • Tap the Compass to collect it.

Red Chemical Symbol

This item is found on the signage above the satellite of the lab.

  • Swipe all over the signage to get rid of the dirt to reveal what’s underneath.
  • Tap the Red Chemical Symbol to collect it.

Blue Book

This item is found inside the satchel on the tree branch of the right tree.

  • Swipe up the book from the satchel to reveal it.
  • Tap the Blue Book to collect it.

Red Ladybug

This item is found behind the keep out sign.

  • Tap the orange metal barrel 2 times to topple it over and reveal a hammer.
  • Drag the hammer to the 2 nails on the sign to remove it along with the plank.
  • Tap the Red Ladybug to collect it.

Red Air Pump

This item is found behind the tire and bushes at the left side of the factory.

  • Swipe the tire to the left.
  • Swipe the Red Air Pump to the left then tap to collect it.

Red Light

This item is found to the right of the door to the factory but must be powered to turn red.

  • Tap the mechanism to the left of the door to play a mini-game.
  • For this mini-game, you’ll need to draw a line from one node to the other, but both nodes must be of the same color. The solution is in the image below.
  • Once solved, tap to collect the Red Light.

The Important Clue is writing a note for the scientists.

  • Tap the piece of paper the soldier is holding.
  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Blue Pen from it to the piece of paper to write a note for the scientists.

Roadside Café

Hotdog Sandwich

This item is found on a light blue poster next to the hamburger poster.

  • Swipe the poster upwards twice to reveal the rest of it.
  • Tap the Hotdog Sandwich to collect it.

Puddle of Water

This item appears after the flower pot on top of the display shelf falls down.


This item is found on the stool next to the blender.

  • Swipe down the blanket on top of the stool to make it fall to the floor.
  • Tap the Bone to collect it.

Pink Smoothie

This item is created using the blender on the counter.

  • Tap the red refrigerator to open it.
  • Drag the bottle of milk from the fridge to the blender.
  • Tap the blender’s switch to turn it on and blend its contents.
  • Drag the blender to the empty glass to the right of it.
  • Tap the Pink Smoothie to collect it.

Yellow Twinkles

This item is obtained from the woman at the back of the café.

  • Drag the coffee can to the green teacup on the coffee table.
  • Drag the pitcher of milk to the green teacup.
  • Drag the cup of coffee to the woman at the back.
  • Tap the Yellow Twinkles that appear above her head to collect it.

Dustpan Full of Leaves

This item requires you to bring leaves into the café and sweep them up.

  • Swipe up the window to the left of the man in a purple jacket to open it. Leaves will enter the café and fall to the ground.
  • Swipe the dustpan towards the center of the floor.
  • Drag the broom to the leaves to sweep them towards the dustpan.
  • Tap the Dustpan Full of Leaves to collect it.


This item is found under the hat on the stool next to the coffee table.

  • Swipe the hat upwards.
  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Magnifying Glass to the Tag.
  • Tap the Tag on the Magnifying Glass to collect it.

Brown Jar Lid

This item is found on top of the jar next to the coffee cup on the coffee table.

Red and Yellow Hearts

This item is obtained from the man with the purple jacket.

  • Tap the frying pan by the counter.
  • Drag the burger patty to the frying pan.
  • Assemble the hamburger in the order of Ketchup, Cheese, Burger Patty, Tomato, Lettuce, and Bun.
  • Upon completion, the burger will appear in front of the man.
  • Tap the Red and Yellow Hearts that appear above his head to collect it.

The Important Clue is the man in a light gray coat. Tap him to talk to him.

Laboratory Office

Spider in a Jar

This item requires you to place a spider inside the jar on the floor.

  • Drag the orange spider on the tube at the upper right part of the screen to the glass jar on the floor.
  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Jar Lid to the Jar.
  • Tap the Spider in a Jar to collect it.

Framed Certificate

This item is found above the computer with a green screen.

Black and White Picture of a Man

This item is obtained from the monitor on the desk to the right.

  • Tap the red button of the monitor thrice.
  • Tap the Black and White Picture of a Man on the monitor to collect it.

Brown and White Rabbit

The rabbit is obtained from the cage under the desk at the back.

  • Swipe the chair at the right desk to the right.
  • Tap the second drawer of the right desk to reveal the key.
  • Drag the key to the padlock of the rabbit’s cage to unlock it.
  • Tap the Brown and White Rabbit to collect it.

Green Screwdriver

This item is obtained from the drawer of the left desk. You’ll need to tap it to open it.

Top Secret Folder

This item is obtained from the third drawer of the desk at the back. You’ll need to tap it to open it.

Yellow Light Orb

This item is obtained from the circular window of the door at the back. You’ll need to wait until it flashes yellow to collect it.

Green Wavelength Bar

This item is obtained from the machine next to the computer with a green screen.

  • Drag the piece of pipe on the floor to the gap of the pipes at the upper left part of the screen.
  • Swipe up the wrench from the cardboard box to bring it to the floor.
  • Drag the wrench from the floor to the misaligned pipe to fix it and stop the leak.
  • Tap the machine next to the computer with a green screen.
  • Rotate the three dials at the bottom of the machine until the white line aligns perfectly with the wavelength. Follow the positions of the dials on the image below.
  • Once aligned, tap the Green Wavelength Bar to collect it.

Pair of Sunglasses

This item is found underneath the orange glove.

  • Swipe the orange glove downwards to reveal the sunglasses.
  • Tap the Pair of Sunglasses to collect it.

The Important Clue is the computer with the green screen.

  • The paper in front of the monitor on the right desk contains the Login ID and Password for the monitor. Using the computer’s keyboard, type “wilson” for the Login and “1913” for the password.
  • Once you’ve logged in, type “3” then press “enter” to access the “Enter Commands” screen.
  • At this screen, type “color red” then press “enter.”
  • Type “cls” then press “enter.”
  • Type “open door” then press “enter.”
  • Tap the unlocked room to enter.

Experiment Room


This item is found under the red trap door.

  • Swipe down the pages of the notebook on the podium at the right side of the screen twice to reveal the key.
  • Drag the key to the red trapdoor to unlock it.
  • Tap the Rope to collect it.

World Map

This item is found at the center of the room, just below the middle green door but needs to be completed.

  • Swipe the folded part of the map upwards twice.
  • Drag the hammer on the floor to the glass box to the right of the map to reveal the missing piece.
  • Drag the map piece to the map to complete it.
  • Tap the World Map to collect it.


This item is found inside the vent.

  • Drag the crowbar from the podium at the right, below the drawer, to the vent at the upper right corner of the screen to remove the panel.
  • Tap the Propeller to collect it.


This item is found on top of the blue machine at the lower left side of the map but needs to be activated.

  • Tap the drawer of the podium at the right side of the screen to reveal a pair of scissors.
  • Drag the scissors to the two ropes tying an object in a white cloth to reveal a green battery.
  • Pull up the lever of the blue machine to eject the blue battery.
  • Drag the green battery to the blue machine’s battery slot.
  • Tap the red button on the blue machine to activate it.
  • Tap the Transmitter to collect it.


This item is found to the left of the pipe next to the middle green door.

Banana Peel

This item is found inside the pipe next to the middle green door.

  • Tap the right green door.
  • Swipe up the items inside twice to reveal a yellow hacksaw.
  • Drag the hacksaw to the metal pipe to the left of the middle green door to reveal the Banana Peel.
  • Swipe the Banana Peel down then tap to collect it.

Gray Trench Coat

This item is found behind the middle green door. You’ll need to tap it to open it before you can collect it.

Television with Shine

This item is found at the back of the room, to the right of the blue machine but you’ll need to shine a light on it before you can collect it.

  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Lightbulb to the lamp above the television.
  • Tap the Television with Shine to collect it.

Red Oil Can

This item is found above the glass box, to the right of the map.

Purple Crystal

This item is found at the lower right corner of the map.

The Important Clue is the light brown box with switches to the left of the glass box.

  • Tap the light brown box to take a closer look.
  • Flip the switches 25, 7, 30, 25, and 13 to move the red line to the center of the meter to activate the portal.

Part 2: New Lands

Embark on an unbelievable Adventure to explore unknown lands.

Abandoned House – Exterior


The item can be found on top of the house’s roof but must be assembled before you can collect it.

  • Swipe up the bent antenna to straighten it.
  • Drag the antenna piece in front of the house’s entrance to the other one at the top of the roof to combine them.
  • Tap the Antenna to collect it.

Blue Flower in a Pot

The item can be found at the window by the entrance of the house.

  • Swipe the item to the left to fully reveal it.
  • Tap the Blue Flower in a Pot to collect it.

Robot Arm

The item can be found by the base of the broken helicopter’s propeller.

Orange Bear Plushie

The item can be found to the left of the broken helicopter but it must be fixed before you can collect it.

  • Swipe up the three purple mushrooms by the broken helicopter to reveal the plushie’s head.
  • Drag the plushie’s head to its body to combine them.
  • Tap the Orange Bear Plushie to collect it.

Yellow Star

The item can be found on the broken helicopter’s propeller blade.

  • Swipe up the lowered propeller blade.
  • Tap the Yellow Star to collect it.

Soccer Ball

This item is found on top of the overhang roof of the house but it must be inflated before you can collect it.

  • Drag the deflated soccer ball to the blue air pump on the ground.
  • Tap the air pump to inflate the ball.
  • Tap the Soccer Ball to collect it.

Pink Help

This item is found behind the vines on the wall of the side of the house.

  • Drag the pair of scissors from the ground, next to the broken helicopter, to the vines on the wall to remove them.
  • Tap the Pink Help word to collect it.

Blue Tricycle

This item is found to the left of the house but must be assembled before it can be collected.

  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Green Screwdriver to the blue roof panel of the house to remove the screws.
  • Swipe the panel to the right.
  • Drag the tricycle wheel to the tricycle.
  • Drag the tricycle handlebars at the left of the broken helicopter to the tricycle.
  • Tap the Blue Tricycle to collect it.

Gray 5

This item is obtained by repairing the broken window glass.

  • Drag the triangle glass shard at the left of the air pump to the broken window to start the puzzle.
  • Piece together the window like the image below.
  • Tap the Gray 5 number to collect it.

The Important Clue is the entrance to the house. Tap it to enter the house.

Abandoned House – Interior

Tally Marks

These marks can be found on the wall, near the ceiling, at the upper right part of the screen.

Red Flowers in a Blue Pot

This item can be found by the window sill but you’ll need to rejuvenate it first.

  • Drag the bug spray from the lower right part of the screen to the bug next to the flowers to get rid of it.
  • Once the Red Flowers in a Blue Pot have become healthier, tap to collect it.

Robot Hand

This item is found underneath some stones at the lower left part of the screen.

  • Swipe away the 3 stones on top of the hand.
  • Tap the Robot Hand to collect it.


This item is found in the scuttle attic door at the ceiling.

  • Swipe the suitcase below the window to the right to open it.
  • Drag the rope from inside it to the scuttle attic door at the ceiling.
  • Swipe down the rope to pull it down.
  • Tap the Goggles to collect it.

Heart in a Black Circle

This item is found on the pen on the table by the window.

  • Tap the light blue pen.
  • Tilt your phone to the right until the robot inside the pen reaches the boy and takes the flower from him.
  • Tilt your phone to the left until the robot inside the pen reaches the girl and gives her the flower.
  • Once the Heart in a Black Circle appears, tap to collect it.

Sun Symbol

This item can be found inside a newspaper that is obtained from the drawer of the side table.

  • Tap the drawer of the side table to open it.
  • Swipe up the newspaper to take it out.
  • Tap the newspaper twice to open it.
  • Tap the newspaper again to take a closer look.
  • Tap the Sun Symbol on the sky inside the photo to collect it.

Man in Glasses

This item can be found inside a portrait that is hidden behind the couch.

  • Swipe up the portrait behind the couch to reveal it.
  • Drag the portrait to the nail on the wall to hang it.
  • Tap the Man in Glasses to collect it.

Music Notes

This item is found by turning on the circular radio above the shelf. Tap the Music Notes to collect them when they appear.

Wrist Watch

This item is found on the ground, next to the rug, underneath some dirt.

  • Drag the green vacuum cleaner’s plug to the power outlet on the wall.
  • Swipe the green vacuum towards the dirt.
  • Swipe the green vacuum back to its original position.
  • Tap the Wrist Watch to collect it.

The Important Clue is the Yellow Robot. Tap it to talk to it.

Abandoned House – Garage


This item can be found at the left end of the table.

  • Swipe the 3 objects on the table to the left.
  • Tap the Sandpaper to collect it.


This item is found inside the yellow box with a cracked bottom on the shelf at the upper right part of the screen.

  • Swipe up the yellow box to open it.
  • Swipe up 4 more times to take out all of the box’s contents.
  • Tap the Baseball to collect it.

Red Toy Car

This item is found on the first level of the metal shelf above the table but you’ll need to assemble it before you can collect it.

  • Drag the blue wheel from the top of the shelf to the toy car.
  • Drag the blue wheel from the lower right part of the table to the toy car.
  • Drag the red back door of the car from behind the yellow bottle under the table to the toy car.
  • Tap the Red Toy Car to collect it.

Green Microchip

This item is found inside the robot’s head.

  • Swipe up the robot’s head to open it.
  • Tap the Green Microchip to collect it.

D20 Dice

This item can be crafted using the stove and dice mold on the floor.

  • Drag the propane tank from the top of the metal shelf to the stove on the floor.
  • Drag the gray pan from the left end of the second row of the metal shelf to the stove on the floor.
  • Drag the matches from the right end of the top of the metal shelf to the stove on the floor.
  • Drag the pan to the teal-colored dice mold to the left.
  • Tap the dice mold to reveal what it formed.
  • Tap the D20 Dice to collect it.


This item is found to the right of the robot but needs to reach a certain temperature before you can collect it.

After lighting the stove on fire from doing the steps for getting the D20 Dice, the Thermometer will start beeping. Tap to collect it once it does.

  • Tap the Thermometer to collect it.

Brown Bottle

This item can be found inside the locked hatch of the table.

  • Swipe the bolt cutter found by the base of the robot to the right.
  • Drag the bolt cutter to the lock to remove it.
  • Swipe the hatch upwards to open it.
  • Tap the Brown Bottle to collect it.


This item can be found inside the yellow tin can at the left end of the top of the metal shelf.

  • Swipe the can to the left.
  • Tap the can to look inside.
  • Tap the Screw to collect it.

Yellow Tool Box

This item is found at the right end of the second row of the metal shelf but you’ll need to organize its contents before you can collect it. To do this, tap the Yellow Tool Box and arrange the tools to all fit inside. There are various ways to do this and our solution can be found in the image below:

Once you’ve completed the task, tap the Yellow Tool Box to collect it.

The Important Clue is fixing Seb’s arm.

  • Tap Seb.
  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Robot Arm to where Seb’s arm should be.
  • Drag the lower robot arm to the one you attached previously.
  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Robot Hand to the lower robot arm.
  • Drag the triangle metal tip to the drill.
  • Drag the triangle screw to the base of the robot arm.
  • Drag the drill to where you placed the screw.

Abandoned House – Bathroom


This item is found underneath a slab on the floor.

  • Swipe the loose tile next to the water bucket on the floor to the left.
  • Tap the Scissors to collect it.

Towel Rail

This item is found at the right side of the screen, under the window.

  • Swipe the towel downward twice.
  • Tap the Towel Rail to collect it.

Yellow Rubber Ducky

This item is found at the right side of the shower but you’ll need to clean it before you can collect it.

  • Tap the brown box to the right of the sink’s mirror.
  • Tap the blue lever.
  • Swipe the shower curtain to the left
  • Rotate the shower valve to wash the rubber ducky.
  • Tap the Yellow Rubber Ducky to collect it.

Laundry Detergent

This item is found on the red shelf to the right of the red cabinet.

  • Swipe the cardboard box to the right.
  • Tap the Laundry Detergent to collect it.


This item is found inside the red cabinet above the sink.

  • Swipe the cabinet door to the right.
  • Tap the Dentures to collect it.

Green Journal

This item is found on the ground, next to the water bucket but you must add a yellow ribbon page marker to it first.

  • Drag the yellow ribbon from the sink’s mirror to the journal on the floor.
  • Tap the Green Journal to collect it.


This item is found moving to and from the two holes in the walls.

  • Swipe the shower curtain to the right.
  • Wait for the Cockroach to appear then tap to collect it when you see it.

Yellow Flower

  • Drag the sponge from the ground to the water bucket.
  • Swipe the shower curtain to the left.
  • Drag the sponge to the brown stain on the glass.
  • Tap the Yellow Flower to collect it.

Ear of Wheat

This item is found in the red shelf at the right side of the shower. Once you tap the shelf, you’ll need to rearrange the objects in the same order as the image below:

Once the Ear of Wheat is revealed, tap to collect it.

The Important Clue is outside the window. Tap to look out of it.

Tram Station

Number 24

This number can be found on the destination sign of the tram.

  • Swipe the destination sign downwards.
  • Tap the Number 24 on “24th Street” to collect it.

Hand Bag

The item is found on the bench but you’ll need to bring it out of the bench before you can collect it.

  • Swipe the Hand Bag to the left 3 times until it falls off the bench.
  • Tap the Hand Bag to collect it.

Hanging Strap

This item is found inside the tram, by the window.

  • Drag the rock just above the bench to the window at the right side of the tram’s doors.
  • Tap the Hanging Strap to collect it.

Black Side Mirror

This item is found at the left side of the tram.

  • Swipe the left side mirror of the tram to the left.
  • Tap the Black Side Mirror to collect it.

Mobiloids Sign

This item is found above the rest room but needs to be completed before you can collect it.

  • The missing piece is found by the right side of the blue trash can, behind a wall. Swipe it to the left to reveal it.
  • Drag the missing piece to the sign.
  • Tap the Mobiloids Sign to collect it.

Blue Scarf

This item can be found on the electrical wire above the washroom.

2 Cent Coin

This item is found inside the nest above the tram.

  • Tap the nest to look closer.
  • Tap the buttons that are similar to each other to clear them. You can swipe the yellow feathers to the left and right to see the other buttons.
  • Once revealed, tap the 2 Cent Coin to collect it.

This item is found on the wall of the washroom but you’ll need to complete it before you can collect it.

  • Drag the brown upside-down triangle at the upper left part of the bench to the sign.
  • Drag the brown triangle above the tram, by overhead catenary (the base of its connection to the line), to the sign.
  • Tap the Washroom Sign to collect it.

Circular Symbol

This symbol is found in between the headlights of the tram.

  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Sandpaper to the space between the headlights of the tram.
  • Tap the Circular Symbol to collect it.

The Important Clue is the electrical line.

  • Swipe up the overhead catenary on top of the tram to connect it to the electrical line.
  • Tap the door to open it and enter the tram.

Tram – Interior

Tram Ticket

This item is obtained from the ticket dispenser.

  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the 2 Cent Coin to the ticket dispenser.
  • Tap the button next to the coin slot.
  • Tap the Tram Ticket to collect it.

Small Robot

This item is found on the floor, close to the benches at the right side of the tram but is missing a part. The missing part is on the bars close to the left bench (the one that looks like a brown-orange bracelet).

  • Swipe it upwards thrice.
  • Swipe it to the left.
  • Swipe it downwards twice until it falls to the floor.
  • Drag the item to the robot body.
  • Tap the Small Robot to collect it.

Triangular Symbol

This item is found on a poster on the left window of the tram.

  • Tap the poster to take a closer look.
  • Tap the Triangular Symbol on the robot’s chest to collect it.

Potted Plant

The item is found on the front chair at the right side of the tram.

  • Swipe the chair to the right to change the angle.
  • Tap the Potted Plant to collect it.

Orange Mushroom

The item is found on the conductor’s skeleton.

  • Swipe the skeleton to the right to make it fall to the ground.
  • Tap the Orange Mushroom on its skull to collect it.

Label with Symbol

This item is found under the hatch on the floor.

  • Tap the 4 circular dials on the floor until all the corners align with the corners of the hatch.
  • Swipe the hatch downward.
  • Swipe the bottle to see the other side.
  • Tap the Label with Symbol.


This item is found inside the brown satchel hanging behind the conductor’s chair.

  • Swipe up to open the satchel.
  • Tap the can to look closer.
  • Swipe the can to the lower left direction to open it.
  • Tap the Fishbone to collect it.


This item is found at the front of the tram, at the right windshield.

  • Tap the front of the tram to move closer.
  • Tap the red button to use the windshield wipers.
  • Tap the Towers at the right windshield to collect them.

Purple Paper Airplane

This item is found inside the lightbox on the ceiling.

  • Tap the front of the tram to move closer.
  • Tap the green button to open the lights.
  • Tap the center of the screen to go back.
  • Drag the crowbar by the left benches to the lightbox to open it.
  • Swipe up the Purple Paper Airplane then tap to collect it.


This item is found under the hatch on the floor.

  • Tap the 4 circular dials on the floor until all the corners align with the corners of the hatch.
  • Swipe the hatch downward.
  • Tap the Tweezers to collect them.

The Important Clue is the map at the center. Tap the map to look closer. You need to rotate the tiles to form a route to the power plant. Use the image above as a reference. Tap the map one more time to end the level.

Electric Station – Gate

Robot Flag

This item is found on the flagpole by the blue motorcycle but needs to be brought up.

  • Swipe the pulley down to bring up the flag.
  • Tap the Robot Flag to collect it.

Letter “t”

This letter is found on the graffiti on the wall. Tap the Letter “t” on “to” to collect it.

Orange and White Windsock

This item is obtained from the robot on the ladder at the left side of the screen.

  • Swipe up where the robot is climbing up and down the ladder.
  • Drag the ladder to the right dome and the robot will climb up and place a windsock.
  • Tap the Orange and White Windsock to collect it.

Metal Can

This item is dug up from the ground.

  • Drag the metal detector found at the right side of the screen, by the graffiti, to the ground at the center.
  • Once the metal detector beeps, drop it and it will mark a spot with an X.
  • Drag the shovel to the X to dig.
  • Tap the Metal Can to collect it.

Small Copper Pipe

This item is obtained after connecting pipes together.

  • There are pipe ends above the gate. Swipe the left pipe to the right, and the right one to the left so they face each other.
  • Swipe the pipe from behind the rock at the lower right part of the screen to the upper left direction to bring it out.
  • Drag the copper pipe between the pipe ends to connect them.
  • Tap the Small Copper Pipe at the left end of the connection to collect it.

Purple Megaphone

This item is found behind the blue motorcycle.

  • Drag the engine at the bottom center of the screen to the blue motorcycle to make it move to the right.
  • Tap the Purple Megaphone to collect it.

White Sparkle

This item is found in the sky, above the two vertical pipes. You’ll have to wait for it to appear before you can tap to collect it.

Green Intercom

This item is found at the right of the gate but must be fixed.

  • Drag the missing piece from the lower left part of the screen to the other piece to complete it.
  • Tap the Green Intercom to collect it.

Green Lug Nut

This item is found on the bottom right rock, to the right of the knife.

The Important Clue is the green panel at the left side of the gate. Tap the panel and you’ll see batteries and two slots to put it in. You’ll need to place the batteries that can fit both slots. Use the image above as your reference.

Doug’s Office

White Envelope

This item is found inside the television.

  • Tap the television.
  • Adjust the antenna positions until you get a clearer picture. Use the image above as a reference.
  • Once the image is clear, tap the White Envelope that appears on the man’s hand to collect it.

Paper with a Circle

This item is found on the side of the ceiling light.

  • Swipe the ceiling light to the right.
  • Tap the Paper with a Circle at its side to collect it.

Red Stamp

This item is found inside the safe at the left side of the window.

  • Tap the safe.
  • Swipe the images up and down until you get the order of Ape, Neanderthal, Human, and Robot to open the safe.
  • Tap the Red Stamp to collect it.

Number 2

This number is found on the window.

  • Swipe up the window that has a Number 5 on it.
  • Tap the Number 2 on the opposite side of the window.

Box of Letters

This item is found in the shelf’s compartment but needs the books to be arranged to open it.

  • Swipe the newspaper on the floor to the left.
  • Drag the green book to the top row of the shelf.
  • Arrange the green books according to the number of dots found at the upper part of the book to open the compartment. Use the image below as your reference.
  • Tap the Box of Letters to collect it.

Blue Trophy

This item is found on the right side of the desk but is missing the left handle.

  • Swipe the box above the trophy to the left to open it.
  • Drag the glue to the trophy.
  • Tap the middle left drawer of the table.
  • Drag the trophy handle to the trophy
  • Tap the Blue Trophy to collect it.

Green Pen Holder

This item is found behind the chair.

  • Swipe down the chair to bring it down.
  • Tap the Green Pen Holder to collect it.

Yellow Sunflower

This item is received as a package.

  • Tap the red telephone.
  • There are 3 numbers in the phone book. Tap the phone and dial the number 468.
  • Swipe up the Yellow Sunflower and tap it to collect it.

Branch with Orange Leaves

This item is found inside the green trash can under the table but is missing a leaf.

  • Swipe the green trash can to the right.
  • Swipe the branch upward to reveal it.
  • Swipe the yellow rug below the table upward.
  • Swipe the orange leaf from the yellow book downward.
  • Drag the orange leaf to the branch.
  • Tap the Branch with Orange Leaves to collect it.

The Important Clue is fixing Doug’s shoulder.

  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Oil Can to Doug’s shoulder.
  • Take the Reactor Key from Doug.

Electric Station – Control Room

Brown Package

This item is found to the left of the red chair but needs to be prepared first.

  • Tap the cardboard box to close it.
  • Drag the packaging tape from the left of the glass wall to the box.
  • Tap the bottom drawer to open it.
  • Drag the cutter to the packaging tape on the box.
  • Tap the Brown Package to collect it.

Red Ammo Casing

This item is found inside the shotgun.

  • Tap the shotgun.
  • Swipe down the gun’s barrel (left part).
  • Swipe the ammo casing to the upper right.
  • Tap the Red Ammo Casing to collect it.

Gold Piece

This item is found inside a hole on the wall above the glass windows.

  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Tweezers to the hole.
  • Once you’ve zoomed into the crack, drag the Tweezers to the item twice until you obtain it.
  • Tap the Gold Piece to collect it.

Brown Gloves

This item is found behind a box at the lower right part of the screen.

  • Swipe the item to the left.
  • Tap the Brown Gloves to collect it.

Pink Eraser

This item is found under the red chair.

  • Swipe the item downward.
  • Tap the Pink Eraser to collect it.

Hazmat Helmet

This item is found on the suit hiding behind the wall next to the table with drawers.

  • Swipe the suit to the left to reveal it.
  • Tap the Hazmat Helmet to collect it.

Robot Head Drawing

This item is found at the ceiling behind the glass window.

  • Swipe the loose tile on the ground to the upper left direction.
  • Drag the key to the keyhole just above the panel with the Reactor labels.
  • Tap the Robot Head Drawing on the ceiling to collect it.

X Symbol

This item is retrieved from the reactor control panel.

  • After following the steps for obtaining the Robot Head Drawing, swipe the lever with the red handle to the right twice.
  • Tap the X Symbol that appears on the red screen to collect it.

Metal Battery

This item is retrieved from a machine behind the glass window.

  • Pull up the lever at the left side of the glass window to activate the claw.
  • When the lever stops at the left slot, tap the red button on the control panel to grab the battery.
  • When the lever stops at the right slot, tap the red button again to drop the battery.

The Important Clue is the large metal door at the right side of the room. Tap the panel to look at the combination lock. You need to pay attention to the sequence of the light and repeat it by tapping on them. The sequence is randomized every time you play or press replay.

Electric Station – Reactor Room

Electric Coils

This item is found on top of a machine to the right of the reactor but it must be activated.

  • Tap the machine to take a closer look.
  • To activate the machine, you’ll need to press the buttons in the correct sequence.
    • Tap the middle 3|4 button.
    • Tap the right reverse button.
    • Tap the right 1|5 button.
    • Tap the left 1|2 button.
    • Tap the left reverse button.
    • Tap the middle 3|4 button.
  • Once the Electric Coils light up, tap to collect them.

Metal Case

This item is found at the upper right part of the screen, to the right of the steaming pipe.

Gas Mask

This item is found at the lower left part of the screen.

Pair of Yellow Rubber Boots

This item is found at the middle of the screen on the floor but is missing its pair.

  • Drag the other boot from the right part of the screen, next to the dumbwaiter, to the boot at the center.
  • Tap the Pair of Yellow Rubber Boots.

Green Glowing Mushrooms

This item is found inside the dumbwaiter.

  • Tap the orange triangle button below the dumbwaiter.
  • Tap the Green Glowing Mushrooms to collect them.

Overheated Machine

This item is found at the lower right part of the screen.

  • Swipe up the machine to turn the knob up.
  • Wait for the machine to completely break down then tap it to collect it.


This item is found at the upper left part of the screen.

  • Swipe the crane upward.
  • Swipe the crane to the right.
  • Tap the UFO to collect it.

Water Droplet

This item is found on the right small screen of the reactor but needs its red X mark removed.

  • After obtaining the Green Glowing Mushrooms from the dumbwaiter, tap the orange triangle button again.
  • Drag the red wrench from the dumbwaiter to the steaming pipe to fix it.
  • Once fixed, tap the Water Droplet icon on the right small screen of the reactor to collect it.

Red Bars

This item is found on the left small screen of the reactor but needs to be activated.

  • Swipe down the machine with an empty battery at the left side of the screen to power it up.
  • Drag the battery to the slot on top of the reactor.
  • Tap the Red Bars on the left small screen of the reactor to collect it.

The Important Clue is the round hatch that opens on the reactor.

  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Reactor Key to the hatch.

Main Square

Yellow Pipe

This item is inside the suitcase but you need a 4-digit code to open it. The suitcase is owned by Michael Collins. The code can be seen on the sign “Collins” which is 1923. Input the code by swiping up and down to change the numbers. Once opened, tap the Yellow Pipe to collect it.


This item is found inside the garbage can.

  • Drag the rock from the lower part of the screen (by the hose) to the center where the smaller pebbles are.
  • Tilt your phone so that the garbage can rolls toward the rock and falls over.
  • Tap the Plunger to collect it.

Purple Cupcake Logo

This item is found on the round signage of the café at the right side of the screen.


This item is found behind the window of the building at the right side of the screen.

  • Tap the window.
  • Tap the Phonograph to collect it.

Blue Umbrella

This item is found behind the glass window of the pharmacy at the left side of the screen.

  • Drag the metal ball at the lower right side of the screen to the chain on the street post.
  • Drag the metal ball to the right to make it swing towards the window.
  • Tap the Blue Umbrella to collect it.

Basketball in a Net

This item is found just above the red car but needs to be assembled.

  • Swipe the box with paper in front of the pharmacy at the left side of the screen to the right to reveal the rope.
  • Drag the rope to the basketball net just above the red car.
  • Drag the basketball to the left of the red car to the basketball net.
  • Tap the Basketball in a Net to collect it.

Red Lifesaver

This item is found under the hood of the red car.

  • Tap the hood.
  • Tap the Red Lifesaver to collect it.


This item is held by the drone in the sky moving left and right.

  • Tap the drone when it appears to stop it.
  • Tap the Broom to collect it.


This item is found hidden behind a patch of grass next to the suitcase at the lower left part of the screen.

  • Swipe up to reveal the item.
  • Tap the Paintbrush to collect it.

The Important Clue is the Silver Key dropped by the drone.

  • Drag the Silver Key to the Medicine Kit.
  • Drag the Gold Key from the kit to the lock of the Pharmacy’s door.



This item is found among the boxes at the lower left part of the screen.


This item is found underneath a cardboard box at the lower right part of the screen.

  • Swipe the item to the left.
  • Tap the Dropper to collect it.

White Sound Effect

This item is found by the door at the back but you need to hang a bell first.

  • Swipe up the wooden box at the right side of the screen.
  • Drag the bell to the hook at the top of the door.
  • Open the door.
  • Tap the White Sound Effect to collect them.


This item is found among the moss in between the two shelves at the left side of the screen.

  • Swipe the item to the right to reveal it.
  • Swipe the item to the right to unroll it.
  • Tap the Bandage to collect it.


This item is found inside the grate at the ceiling.

  • Drag the crow bar just above the cash register to the grate at the ceiling.
  • Tap the Wristwatch on the skeleton arm to collect it.

Red Pill

This item is found inside the jar at the middle row of the shelf at the left side of the screen.

  • Swipe away 5 pills.
  • Tap the Red Pill to collect it.

Medicine Kit

This item is found inside the cardboard box on top of the shelf near the door.

  • Swipe down the cardboard box.
  • Tap the box to open it.
  • Swipe up to take out the item.
  • Tap the Medicine Kit to collect it.

Number 69

This item is obtained by using the cash register and computing until you get the number.

  • Tap the cash register on the ground.
  • Tap 20 – 2 then swipe down the lever to get 18.
  • Tap + 5 then swipe down to get 23.
  • Tap x3 then swipe down to get 69.
  • Tap Number 69 to collect it.

Blister Pack

This item is found on the ground, next to the wooden box at the lower left part of the screen but needs to be modified.

  • Tap the item.
  • Press the left bottom and right middle slots.
  • Swipe the item to the left.
  • Tap the Blister Pack to collect it.

The Important Clue is mixing the correct chemicals to make allergy medicine.

  • Tap the counter.
  • Drag the bottles A, C, X, and O to the mortar.
  • Drag the pestle to the mortar to mix them together.
  • Drag the mortar to the bottle to the left to pour it.
  • Drag the cork to the bottle to seal it.
  • Tap the bottle to use it.

Pub Party

Deck of Playing Cards

This item is found on the table but is missing a card.

  • Swipe the white remote on the table upwards to reveal the missing card.
  • Drag the card to the deck.
  • Tap the Deck of Playing Cards to collect them.

Green Car Keychain

This item is found on the ceiling, at the right end of the string of flags, but is missing the key.

  • Drag the key from under the counter, just below the bartender robot, to the keychain.
  • Tap the Green Car Keychain to collect it.

Green Flag

This item is found on the string of flags. It is the 4th flag.

Pizza Box

This item is obtained as a prize after playing darts by tapping the dart board behind the left robot. However, you’ll need to put the dart on specific points to win.

The clues for this can be found in three locations:

  • The third flag in the string of flags has the number 1.
  • The mug on the table has the number 5.
  • The bar table has the number 7 etched onto it.

To play darts, tap the dart, drag it to the number needed, then release. After that, tap the Pizza Box behind the dart board to collect it.


This item is produced by the overheating robot sitting on the right chair.

  • Swipe the fridge door, found behind the robot sitting on the left chair, to the right to open it.
  • Drag the cold compress to the overheating robot.
  • Tap the Snowflake to collect it.


This item is found on the chair of the left robot.

  • Swipe down the vinyl album on the ground, in front of the right robot, to take out the vinyl record.
  • Drag the vinyl record to the phonograph at the top shelf behind the bartender robot.
  • Once the left robot starts dancing, tap the Fork to collect it.

Yellow Star

This item is obtained by playing and winning at the pinball table. You’ll need to hit all 6 bumpers with the ball by using the two red buttons at the end of the table to move the flippers. The flippers serve to push the ball towards the bumpers and prevent it from falling down the hole. To start, you need to drag down the red launcher at the lower right part of the table and release it. The longer you wait to release it, the stronger the force towards the metal ball will be.

In our experience, we had better control over the ball when we don’t release it at full force. We also want to note that players should not press the red buttons too fast or at the same time when the ball is about to fall because it is easier to miss it. Wait for the ball to reach the area of the flippers before you press the red buttons to hit it.

Once all 6 bumpers have been hit, the Yellow Star will light up and can be collected by tapping.

Box of Matchsticks

This item is found on the ground, between the table and pinball table but must be opened first. Tap twice to collect it.

Orange Cocktail

This item is obtained from the bartender robot but something must be traded for it.

When you tap the bartender robot, the robot on the left will say “OIL SHOT SHOT.” If you tap the menu between them, you’ll see that the cocktail costs 2 Lug Nuts.

  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Lug Nut to the bartender robot.

At the lower right part of the screen, you’ll see the 2nd Lug Nut.

  • Swipe the Lug Nut upwards thrice to remove it from the bolt.
  • Drag the Lug Nut to the bartender robot.
  • Tap the Orange Cocktail to collect it.

The Important Clue is winning a game against the bartender robot to obtain a souvenir. Tap him to start the mini-game.

In this game, you need to take turns taking 1-2 sticks from the board. When taking 2 sticks, both of them must be next to each other. The objective of the mini-game is to take the last stick to win. Tap the stick you would like to take then tap the “TAKE” button to end your turn.

There are many ways to win the mini-game and the image above is how we managed to accomplish this.

Hero Hall

The game starts with a curtain covering the stage. To remove the curtain, you’ll need to find the missing handle for the pulley.

  • Swipe the handle, found on the chair with a heart on the back, to the right twice.
  • Drag the handle to the pulley’s wheel at the upper left part of the screen.
  • Rotate the wheel counter-clockwise until the curtains are fully raised.


This item is found on the other side of the spotlight. You’ll need to swipe it to the left to see it.


This item is found behind the backrest of a chair.


The item is found behind the chair where the yellow robot is sitting.

  • Tap the yellow robot to make it stand up.
  • Swipe the chair to the right.
  • Tap the Book to collect it.


This item is found hanging on a line at the left side of the stage.

Yellow Tassel

This item is found between the two lights on stage.

Letter U

This letter is found above the door on stage but needs to be filled out first.

  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Paintbrush to the bucket of paint to the right of the door.
  • Drag the Paintbrush to the U outline.
  • Tap the Letter U to collect it.

Orange Chair

This item is found at the left side of the stage but is missing two legs.

  • Drag the chair leg from the podium table to the chair.
  • Drag the chair leg from above the door to the chair.
  • Tap the Orange Chair to collect it.

White Feather

This item is obtained after playing the piano. Before you can tap to play it, you’ll need to swipe it upwards to reveal the piano keys.

For this mini-game, you’ll need to press the right keys according to the music sheet. To make it easier to follow, refer to the image below for the solution we’ve written down.

  • Staff 1: 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2
  • Staff 2: 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1

After playing, the piano will open and reveal the White Feather.

Gold Medal

This item is obtained after putting the wooden figures into the holes of the round platform found above the piano. The order of the figures is based on the ballet poster behind Doug and the numbers on the holes. Use the image below as reference for the solution.

The Important Clue is the bolt cutter Seb is holding. Drag the bolt cutter to the string of the light fixture above Doug to temporarily stun him.

Escape Route

Red Shirt

The item is found on the clothing rack at the right side of the hall.

  • Swipe the rack to the left thrice.
  • Tap the Red Shirt to collect it.

Blue Necklace

The item is found on the lamp on the ceiling but the light must be turned off before you can retrieve it.

  • Swipe the plank on the left side of the hall to the right.
  • Swipe the fuse switch upward.
  • Tap the Blue Necklace to collect it.


This item is found inside the red locked box.

  • Swipe the orange case at the upper left side of the screen to the left to reveal a key.
  • Drag the key to the red locked box to reveal a hose.
  • Swipe the hose to the right 3 times.
  • Tap the Axe to collect it.

Robot Token

This item is produced by the souvenir coin dispenser.

  • Tap the dispenser at the left side of the hall, next to the plank.
  • Rotate the crank clockwise until a token falls.
  • Tap the Robot Token to collect it.


This item is obtained from a singing robot.

  • Tap the door at the right side of the hall twice.
  • Drag the wig underneath the bench at the left side of the hall to the robot.
  • The robot will sing and give you its Autograph which you can tap to collect.

Broken Mirror

This item is found at the window of the right building.

  • Swipe the window upward.
  • Tap the Broken Mirror to collect it.

Woman’s Portrait

This item is found on the yellow poster on the wall.

  • Swipe the cart at the middle of the screen upwards.
  • Swipe the cart to the right to take the wooden crate.
  • Tap the Woman’s Portrait to collect it.

Flying Boomerang

This item is found inside the film reel.

  • Tap the film reel on the lower left part of the screen.
  • Tap the boomerang that lands on the boy’s head in the first picture.

Walkie Talkie

This item is found on a bird’s nest behind the clothes line.

  • Swipe the lower clothes line to the right.
  • Swipe the upper clothes line to the left.
  • Tap the Walkie Talkie to collect it.

The Important Clue is the machine in front of the door of the right building. Tap it to start the mini-game. You’ll need to use the rotate and exchange buttons to organize the board.

  • All orange triangles must be at the upper left circle.
  • All green squares must be at the upper right circle.
  • All blue diamonds must be at the lower left circle.
  • All purple hourglasses must be at the lower right circle.

The best way to complete this puzzle is by starting with one circle before moving to the next circle adjacent to it. Don’t start completing the circle diagonally across from it since you will have no way to move the other shapes diagonally.

After completing the puzzle:

  • Drag the key from the blue door at the right building to the keyhole of the brown door at the left building.
  • Drag the cutter from the garage to the wire fence.

Robot Laboratory

Lung Picture

This item is in two pieces which can be found on the loose tiles on the ground.

  • Swipe all tiles at the right column upward.
  • Swipe all tiles at the left column downward.
  • Drag one of the pieces to the other.
  • Tap the Lung Picture to collect it.

Electric Baton

This item is found inside the second drawer of the table at the lower right side of the screen.

ID Card

This item is found at the bottom of the puddle on the ground.

  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Dropper to the puddle to remove the water.
  • Tap the ID Card to collect it.


This item is found to the right of the base of the third robot chamber.


This item is found inside the first robot chamber.

  • Drag the blue tape from above the pipe to the broken wires at the base of the chamber.
  • Tap the first drawer of the table at the lower right part of the screen.
  • Drag the chip with an orange triangle from the drawer to the slot at the base of the chamber.
  • Swipe the chamber’s door to the right.
  • Tap the Gear to collect it.

DNA Strand

This item is found inside the second robot chamber.

  • Drag the chip with a purple square to the slot at the base of the chamber.
  • Tap the device above the slot to start a mini-game.

In this mini-game, you’ll need to tap the three buttons until all three balls are at the green area in their tubes. The best way to accomplish this efficiently is to start with the second tube. Bring the ball all the way to the top then start working on the first tube while the second ball descends. Tap the first and second ball to keep them at the green area while tapping the third until they are all where they need to be.

  • Once the mini-game is completed, swipe the door to the right.
  • Tap the robot’s chest.
  • Tap the DNA Strand to collect it.


This item is found inside the third robot chamber.

  • Drag the microscope from the floor, behind the table at the lower right side of the screen, to the chamber’s door.
  • Tap the Microchip behind the robot.

Broken Switch

This item is found hanging from the pipes above the last two robot chambers.

  • Swipe the item downward.
  • Tap the Broken Switch to collect it.


This symbol is found on the screen above the door.

  • Tap the right red button twice.
  • Tap the left red button four times.
  • Tap the Symbol to collect it.

The Important Clue is the puzzle on the panel on the door. For this puzzle, you’ll need to rearrange the numbers using the switches at the top and the right side. Follow the instructions on the image above to solve the puzzle.

Virus Laboratory


This item is found at the center of the desk, behind some items.

  • Swipe the items on the desk 3 times to reveal the item.
  • Tap the Calendar to collect it.


This item is on the left end of the table but is missing 2 pieces.

  • Drag the piece from under the table to the one on the table.
  • Drag the piece from above the pipe at the upper right side of the screen to the one on the table.
  • Tap the Chart to collect it.

Wall Clock

This item is inside the cabinet and must be placed on the proper spot before you can collect it.

  • Swipe the cabinet door to the right to open it.
  • Drag the clock to the round slot above the cabinet.
  • Tap the Wall Clock to collect it.


This item is found on the window.

  • Swipe down the piece of paper taped to the window.
  • Tap the Crack to collect it.


This word is found on the robot poster on the window.

  • Tap the robot poster.
  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Pink Eraser to the black markings on top of the word to erase them.
  • Tap the word Hope to collect it.

Number 4

This number is obtained by solving the water scale puzzle. The objective of the puzzle is to move the liquid around until the number 4 appears.

  • Tap the scales on the lower left side of the screen.
  • Drag beaker 3 to beaker 2.
  • Drag beaker 2 to beaker 1.
  • Drag beaker 3 to beaker 2.
  • Drag beaker 2 to beaker 1.
  • Drag beaker 2 to beaker 1.
  • Drag beaker 3 to beaker 2.
  • Drag beaker 2 to beaker 1.
  • Tap the Number 4 on the scale to collect it.


This item is found inside the safe but a puzzle must be solved first. The objective of the puzzle is to input the letters A, G, C, and T in the same order as the ones in the notes all together in the 4×4 square. Copy the image below to solve the puzzle. Once the safe opens, tap the Cash to collect it.

Yellow Bacteria

This item is found on one of the slides that you can use on the microscope.

  • Tap the top left drawer on the cabinet at the left side of the screen.
  • Drag the slide to the microscope.
  • Drag the slide with brown-colored specimens to the microscope.
  • Swipe the arrows at the left side upward to move the slide all the way down.
  • Swipe the arrows at the bottom to the left to move the slide all the way to the right.
  • Tap the Yellow Bacteria to collect it.


This item is found inside the cardboard box on the floor.

  • Swipe the cardboard box upwards 5 times to get all items out of it.
  • Swipe down the prong piece on the cable at the ceiling.
  • Drag the pink handle from the items from the box to the prong piece.
  • Swipe the tape above the cabinet to the right.
  • Drag the tape to the prong piece.
  • Tap the Prongs to collect it.

The Important Clue is the gold key that falls on the floor from the lab coat.

  • Drag the key to the keyhole on the drawer of the cabinet.
  • Tap the brown folder to read the file.

Secret Place


This item is found on the staircase but is missing a pink bow.

  • Swipe the item to the right to make it fall down.
  • Swipe up the floor rug twice to reveal a pink bow.
  • Drag the pink bow to the doll.
  • Tap the Doll to collect it.

Wooden Mouse

This item is found behind a painting.

  • Swipe down the drawing of the sun above the washing machine, near the ceiling.
  • Tap the letters S, E, and B on the wall to reveal the item behind the painting.
  • Tap the Wooden Mouse to collect it.

Blue Striped Sock

This item is found on the green chair by the staircase.

  • Swipe the chair cushion to the right.
  • Tap the Blue Striped Sock to collect it.

Metal Spring

This item is found inside the green chair by the staircase.

  • Drag the knife from the table to the stitches on the backrest of the green chair.
  • Tap the Metal Spring to collect it.


This item is found on the table at the lower right part of the screen.

  • Swipe up the cover of the lantern to remove it.
  • Drag the piece of paper from the green couch on the lower right part of the screen to the candle to light it up.
  • Without lifting your finger, drag the lit paper on the lantern to light it up.
  • Drag the lantern cover to the lantern.
  • Tap the Lantern to collect it.

Brown Dog

This item is found inside the brown photo album on the shelf by the staircase.

  • Swipe the photo album to the right.
  • Tap the photo album.
  • Slide the photo below to the right.
  • Slide the photo above downward.
  • Tap the Brown Dog to collect it.

Metal Ball with Yellow Star

This item is collected by completing the ball in the maze puzzle found on the floor. The objective is to bring the ball to the yellow star at the bottom of the maze by tilting your phone to move the ball without falling into the other holes.

The best way to complete it is to focus on maneuvering the ball to the walls and corners before tilting it to another direction. Move your phone in small increments and take it slow to avoid mistakes. The image below shows our suggestions on where to direct the ball. Once the ball enters the yellow star, tap it to collect it.

White Shirt

This item is found on the floor at the right side of the screen but you’ll need to clean it before you can collect it.

  • Drag the shirt to the washing machine above it.
  • Drag the box of detergent to the washing machine.
  • Tap the red button on the base of the machine to activate it.
  • Tap the machine to wring the shirt and bring it back to the floor.
  • Tap the White Shirt to collect it.

Penguin Face

This item is found inside the music box on the side table by the staircase.

  • Drag the gray drawer knob from the floor, next to the green couch, to the drawer.
  • Tap the second drawer to open it.
  • Tap the music box.
  • Rotate the key to wind it up.
  • Wait until the Penguin Face faces you then tap to collect it.

The Important Clue is the number that appears on the portrait to the right of the door which is 106. Tap the door handle and input the numbers to open it.


Short Orange Candle

This item is found inside the box to the left of the door but it needs a 4-digit number to open. The code is the hash marks found to the right of the door.

  • Tap the box.
  • Input the numbers 2, 4, 5, and 1.
  • Tap the Short Orange Candle to collect it.

Glass of Water

The glass can be found on top of the small cardboard box at the lower right part of the screen but must be filled with water.

  • Drag the glass to the gap between the railings of the window where the water is dripping.
  • Wait until the glass is filled.
  • Tap the Glass of Water to collect it.

Brown Envelope

This item is found underneath the metal panel at the upper right corner of the room.

  • Swipe down the metal panel to reveal rocks.
  • Drag the trowel next to the box at the left side of the screen to the rocks to dig it out.
  • Swipe the item to the left.
  • Tap the Brown Envelope to collect it.


This item is found to the left of the light at the ceiling.

Black Pan

This item is found behind the bed on the ground.

  • Swipe the item to the right.
  • Tap the Black Pan to collect it.

Girl Picture

This item is found underneath the blue blanket at the lower left part of the screen.

  • Swipe the blue blanket twice.
  • Tap the Girl Picture to collect it.

Robot Arm

This item is obtained from the robot guarding outside.

  • Swipe the plank on the door to the right.
  • Drag the playbot magazine to the window when the robot walks by it. The robot will give you a key through the hole on the door.
  • Drag the key to the handcuff of the arm.
  • Tap the Robot Arm to collect it.


This item can be obtained from the robot when it passes by the hole on the door.

Spider Web

This item is found at the upper left corner of the room.

The Important Clue is knocking out Doug.

  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Electric Baton to the plug at the right side of the room.
  • Once charged, drag the Electric Baton to Doug.

Part 3: Secret of the Stones

Strive to survive in a harsh world and uncover the profound secrets of the stones.


Black Book

This item is found on the bed, under the pillow.

  • Swipe the pillow to the right.
  • Tap the Black Book to collect it.

Red Cross

This symbol is found on the edge of the bed.

  • Swipe the clipboard on the edge of the bed to the left.
  • Tap the Red Cross to collect it.


This item is found behind the bed.

  • Tap the bottom drawer of the side table to open it.
  • Drag the wheel to the wooden leg of the bed.
  • Swipe the bed to the right.
  • Tap the Crutch to collect it.

Bouquet of Flowers

This item is obtained from the nurse by completing a sudoku puzzle. The objective of the mini-game is to tap the squares to fill them up with numbers. The rows, columns and mini-grids must all contain the numbers 1 through 4. The best way to solve it is to start with the 3rd row, 4th column, and 4th mini-grid since it has 2 numbers already revealed. You can also solve it by copying the numbers on the image below.

  • Tap the paper on top of the side table to start the sudoku mini-game.
  • Solve the puzzle and it will turn into a letter.
  • Drag the letter to the mailbox to the left of the door and a nurse will come in with flowers.
  • Tap the Bouquet of Flowers to collect them.

IV Drip

This item is found in the cabinet above the side table but must be hanged.

  • Tap the two doors of the cabinet to open it.
  • Drag the IV to the stand next to the bed.
  • Tap the IV Drip to collect it.


This item is found on the chair.

  • Swipe the chair upwards.
  • Tap the Scissors to collect it.


This item is found hanging on the edge of the bed.


This item is found inside the panel of the ceiling above the bed.

  • Swipe the mop under the bed to the left.
  • Drag the mop to the panel above the bed.
  • Tap the Valve to collect it.

White Note

This symbol is produced by the radio above the cabinet.

  • Swipe down the wire of the radio twice.
  • Tap the red button of the radio thrice.
  • Tap the White Note to collect it.

The Important Clue is the thermometer.

  • Tap the thermometer.
  • Shake your phone until it lowers the temperature on the thermometer.

Little Sheriff’s House

Gold Badge

This item is obtained from the boy but you’ll need to give him something.

  • Swipe the hat behind the bush to the right.
  • Drag the hat to the boy.
  • Tap the Gold Badge to collect it.

Blue Ball with a Red Star

This item is found underneath a mound of sand.

  • Drag the small shovel to the right of the boy to the mount just above the sandbox.
  • Tap the Blue Ball with a Red Star to collect it.

Stacking Rings Toy

This item is found to the right of the boy but the rings must be placed on it first.

  • Drag the red ring from behind the left house to the wooden base.
  • Drag the blue ring from on top of the left house to the wooden base.
  • Drag the green ring from behind the sandbox to the wooden base.
  • Tap the Stacking Rings Toy to collect it.

Raccoon with Banana

This item is found inside the trash can.

  • Swipe up the trash can to remove its lid.
  • Drag the black garbage bag at the right side of the screen to the trash can.
  • Tap the Racoon with Banana to collect it.

Cooked Sausage

This item is found on a plate by the barbeque grill but it must be cooked first.

  • Drag the sausage to the grill.
  • Drag the crumpled paper on the ground to the grill.
  • Drag the chopped wood to the left of the blue house to the grill.
  • Tap the lighter on the table.
  • Swipe the lighter up to remove the lid.
  • Swipe down the spark wheel of the lighter to light it up.
  • Drag the lighter to the grill.
  • Tap the Cooked Sausage to collect it.


This item is found in a tree.

  • Tap the tree at the right side of the screen repeatedly until it drops the item.
  • Tap the Rope to collect it.

Belt Buckle

This item is found on the woman’s belt.

  • Swipe the bottle of milk, behind the square basket on the table, to the left.
  • Drag the bottle to the green bowl on the ground.
  • Once the cat goes to the bowl, tap the woman’s Belt Buckle to collect it.

Oil Bottle

This item is found by the window.

  • Swipe the item to the left.
  • Tap to collect the Oil Bottle.

Green and Red Balls

This item is obtained from a mini-game. Tap the teal-colored toy on the table to start the game. The objective is to press the green buttons to maneuver the red and green balls to the basket, with the green ball on top of the red ball. The best way to accomplish this is by repeatedly pressing the right button until the red ball goes in then doing the same with the left button and green ball afterwards. Once this is achieved, tap the Green and Red Balls to collect it.

The Important Clue is the book on the table. Tap the book to end the level.


Squirrel with an Acorn

This animal is found under the tree but is missing an acorn.

  • Swipe up the leaves of the pine tree to reveal the acorn.
  • Tap the acorn a few times to make it drop to the squirrel.
  • Tap the Squirrel with an Acorn to collect it.

Bird House

This item is found on the pine tree but is missing its roof.

  • Swipe up the roof underwater to bring it up.
  • Drag the roof to the top of the bird house.
  • Tap the Bird House to collect it.

Plastic Bag

This item must be fished out of the water.

  • Tap the fishing rod.
  • Tap the fishing rod when the hook points to the plastic bag without any fish in front of it.
  • Tap the Plastic Bag to collect it.


This item must be produced on the easel to the right of the repairman.

  • Swipe the paper holder behind the tree to the right to reveal it.
  • Swipe the paper holder twice to remove the lid and take out the paper.
  • Drag the paper to the easel.
  • Tap the easel to start painting.
  • Drag the paint to the sections of the easel according to the icon of the item. You can also refer to the image or the instructions below.
    • Yellow – Sun
    • Purple – Left Land
    • Light Blue – Right Land
    • Blue – Sky
    • Dark Blue – River
    • Green – Mountain
  • Once done, tap the Painting to collect it.

Frog with a Lily

This animal is found under the tree but must be brought to the lily at the lower right part of the screen. To do this, you’ll need to tap the frog once the moving lily pads get close to it until it gets to its destination. Once it’s at the lily, tap it to collect it.

Axe with a Log

This item is found above the shack but needs to be placed on a log.

  • Swipe up the item above the shack to reveal it.
  • Drag the Axe to the log.
  • Tap the Axe with a Log to collect it.


This item is found sticking out of the tree among the leaves.

Stick Figure

This item is found behind the white paper with scribbles that is sticking to the wall of the shack.

  • Swipe down the note.
  • Tap the Stick Figure to collect it.

Blue Piece

This item is found on the boat.

  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Rope to the end of the boat.
  • Drag the Rope towards the shack.
  • Swipe up the green bag on the boat.
  • Tap the Blue Piece to collect it.

The Important Clue is the typewriter. You’ll need to enter Margaret’s full name at the bottom of the paper using the keyboard of the typewriter. If you’re unsure of the name or its spelling, you can find her full name on her red passport which is found inside the shack’s window.


Mug with Black Feather

This item is found on the center column, 3rd row of the bookshelf at the right side of the screen.

Vinyl Record

This item is found in between the dark yellow books at the center column, 2nd row of the shelf on the right side of the screen.

  • Swipe the books twice.
  • Tap to collect the Vinyl Record.

Pink and Orange Balloons

This item is found by the front door but both balloons must be at the same height.

  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag your Scissors to the pink balloon’s string to cut it and make it float to the orange balloon.
  • Tap the Pink and Orange Balloon to collect it.


This item is found in between the pages of the Secret Lab book on the pink table at the lower left side of the screen.

  • Tap the Secret Lab book.
  • Swipe the pages to the left thrice.
  • Tap the Crystal to collect it.

20-Dollar Bill

This item is collected from a customer in exchange for a Secret Lab book.

  • Swipe the sign on the door to the right and a customer will enter the store.
  • Drag the Secret Lab book to the customer.
  • Tap the 20-Dollar Bill to take it from the customer.

Number 77

This number is found on the door of one of the taxis driving by the store. You’ll need to wait for the right one to appear before you can collect it.

Anvil with 2 Hammers

This item is found inside the yellow book with the title “Book” in red lettering. This book is at the center column, bottom row of the shelf at the right side of the screen.

  • Tap the yellow book.
  • Swipe the left arrow tag to the right to lower the left blacksmith’s hammer.
  • Swipe the right arrow tag to the left to lower the right blacksmith’s hammer.
  • Swipe the bottom gear to the left twice to show the anvil.
  • Tap the Anvil with 2 Hammers to collect it.

Black Ring

This item is found inside the hourglass on the table near the door.

  • Tap the hourglass.
  • Rotate the hourglass by dragging the top to the bottom.
  • Tap the Black Ring to collect it.

Picture of a Fortune Teller

This item is found on the bottom row of the shelf where the telephone is but needs to be assembled before you can collect it. One tip to complete the puzzle quickly is to focus on placing the corners first then work from there. You can also drag the pieces around until the tile becomes dark gray. This signifies that the piece belongs to that spot. Use the image below as a reference. 


This item is found on the wall between the right window and the shelf at the right side of the screen.

The Important Clue is the black telephone ringing. Tap it to answer it.

Margaret’s House

Trash Can

This item is found to the right of the door but needs to be filled first.

  • Swipe the banana peel under the side table to the left.
  • Drag the banana peel to the trash can.
  • Swipe the apple core from under the dresser to the right.
  • Drag the apple core to the trash can.
  • Swipe up the yellow bag on the table.
  • Drag the crumpled paper inside it to the trash can.
  • Tap the Trash Can to collect it.

Circle Emblem

This item is found inside the painting to the upper right of the door. The circle emblem is the sun or moon at the upper left part of the painting.

Clock Shadow

This item is found inside an image projected by the projector on the floor.

  • Tap the projector to release the tray.
  • Swipe the potted plant on the top shelf, at the right side of the screen, to the left.
  • Drag the white slide to the tray.
  • Tap the red button on the side of the machine.
  • Tap the Clock Shadow on the projected image on the ceiling to collect it.

Sleeping Pills

This item can be found on the side table next to the bed.

Diamond Necklace

This item is found in the red box on the dresser at the left side of the screen but is missing the diamond.

  • Tap the dresser.
  • Tap the red box.
  • Tap the upper left brown drawer.
  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Blue Piece to the Red Piece in the drawer to open a hidden compartment.
  • Drag the diamond from the drawer to the necklace in the red box.
  • Tap the Diamond Necklace to collect it.

Orange Feather

This item is found in the middle left green drawer of the dresser at the left side of the screen but it is locked.

  • Tap the dresser.
  • Tap the bottom right drawer.
  • Drag the key to the middle left green drawer.
  • Tap to collect the Orange Feather.

Green Parrot

This animal is inside the bird cage close to the table.

  • With the yellow bag opened, drag the silver key to the bird cage’s padlock.
  • Swipe the bird cage’s door to the right.
  • Drag the yellow cracker on the floor to the green parrot.
  • Tap the Green Parrot to collect it.

Gray Sock

This item is found under the bed.

  • Swipe the green blanket upward.
  • Tap the Gray Sock to collect it.

Wooden Block

This item is obtained by solving the puzzle on Margaret’s bed. You’ll need to tap the box twice to open then start the mini-game. The objective of the game is to slide the blocks around until you are able to slide the biggest block downward. Once the biggest block is released, tap to collect it. There are many ways to solve this and our solution can be found in the image below.

The Important Clue is knocking on the door. Tap to answer it.

Mental Hospital – Interior

Ceiling Light

This item is found on the ceiling at the left side of the screen but needs to be turned on.

  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Switch to the spot on the wall with wires.
  • Tap the Ceiling Light to collect it.

Green Striped Handkerchief

This item is obtained from the man sitting at the table.

  • Swipe the food card downwards and the man will take the banana and take out a handkerchief.
  • Tap the Green Stripe Handkerchief to collect it.

Blue Bunny

This item is obtained from the shivering man by the window.

  • Swipe the wooden shelf by the door to the left to open it.
  • Drag the purple blanket to the shivering man.
  • Tap the Blue Bunny to collect it.

Brown Spider

This item is found behind a ceiling light at the corner of the room above the brown shelf.

  • Drag the ceiling light to the right.
  • While it is swinging, tap the Brown Spider to collect it.

Green Chocolate Bar

This item is obtained from the guard.

  • Tap the door to call the guard.
  • Swipe the cracked tile on the floor to the right to reveal cash.
  • Drag the cash to the guard.
  • Tap the Green Chocolate Bar the guard is holding to collect it.

Scarf Rope

This item is found hanging by the closed window.

  • Swipe up the window at the left side of the screen to open it.
  • Swipe down the window two times to reel in the item.
  • Tap the Scarf Rope to collect it.


This item is collected from the locked box.

  • Swipe up the green locked box 5 times to open it and remove the items inside it.
  • Tap to collect the Chisel.

Stick Figure

This item is found at the lower left part of the screen but must be positioned correctly before you can collect it.

  • Tap the brown box next to the man sitting by the table.
  • Reposition the stick figure according to the image below by tapping the parts to move them.
  • Tap the Stick Figure to collect it.


This item is obtained after playing the inkblot test mini-game.

  • Tap the inkblot images at the lower right corner of the screen.
  • Tap the two similar images as shown in the image below.
  • Tap the Checkmark to collect it.

The Important Clue is the domino game on the table. Tap it to start playing a mini-game where the objective is to line them up with the sides with the same numbers facing each other. Copy the solution in the image above to solve it.

Mental Hospital – Grounds

Dust Smoke

This item is released by the chimney.

  • Drag the chimney brush at the lower left part of the screen, just above the seesaw, to the brown chimney.
  • Tap the Dust Smoke to collect it.

Pink Kettle

This item is found behind one of the windows of the tower.

  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Stick to the hook at the lower left part of the screen, below the garbage bags.
  • Tap the window opposite to where the item is.
  • Drag the stick with a hook to the window.
  • Swipe the stick with a hook to the left, then to the right.
  • Tap the Pink Kettle to collect it.

Black Ship

This item is found underneath the paint of the building at the left side of the screen.

  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Chisel to the wall, in the space between the four windows.
  • Tap to collect the Black Ship.


This item is found hanging from the watch tower but is missing its clapper.

  • Drag the clapper, found on the roof of the building at the right side of the screen, to the bell.
  • Tap the bell to collect it.


This item is found under the seesaw where the man with a slingshot is sitting.

  • Drag the large boulder to the right of the woman to the empty seat of the seesaw.
  • Swipe up the worm from the hole under the seesaw.
  • Tap the Worm to collect it.

Ship Wheel

This item is found under the brick tiles of the watchtower.

  • Swipe the three tiles, just below where the guard is, to the left.
  • Tap the letter.
  • Tap the Ship Wheel to collect it.


This item is found inside the brown suitcase on the ground but must be opened with a 3-digit code. The numbers are based on the number of partitions there are on the windows. The colors of the window sills will tell you which ones should be the first, second, and third digit.

  • Tap the brown suitcase.
  • Input 4, 3, 6 by swiping up or down.
  • Tap the Dynamite to collect it.


This item is obtained from the guard at the watchtower.

  • Drag the acorn hanging from the tree at the left side of the screen to the man at the seesaw.
  • After the man shoots the guard, he will drop a shoe to the ground, behind the man with a purple blanket. Tap the Shoe to collect it.

Blue Flashlight

This item is found behind the bushes at the lower right side of the screen.

  • Swipe the item upward.
  • Tap to collect the Blue Flashlight.

The Important Clue is stopping the man from attacking Linda. Once the man is in view, drag the metal bucket from the lower right part of the screen to the man.

Mental Hospital – Room


This item is seen through a mirror.

  • Swipe up the mirror above the sink.
  • Tap the Lantern to collect it.


This item is obtained from Linda’s pillow.

  • Swipe down the blanket of her bed to reveal the pillow.
  • Swipe the pillow up 3 times until it releases a feather.
  • Tap the Feather from the floor to collect it.

Red Mitten

This item is created by Linda but you’ll need to give her some materials.

  • Swipe the red sock at the lower left side of the screen to the right 3 times to turn it into a ball of yarn.
  • Drag the ball of yarn to Linda’s lap.
  • Swipe the two belt buckles upward.
  • Swipe the trunk upward to open it.
  • Swipe the trunk upward 3 more times to take out the items.
  • Drag the two knitting needles to Linda’s lap.
  • Tap the Red Mitten that Linda made to collect it.


This item is obtained from the trunk on the floor along with the knitting needles. Once the items are taken out of the trunk, tap the Paintbrush to collect it.

Teddy Bear

This item is found under the bed.

  • Swipe the broom, from behind the wall behind the sink, to the left.
  • Drag the broom under the bed.
  • Swipe the broom downward.
  • Tap the Teddy Bear to collect it.

Playing Cards

This item is obtained after successfully completing a game of solitaire. The objective of the game is to move all cards to the top four piles by putting them in order from Ace to King, while arranging cards in the main area by alternating colors in descending order.

The card setup is different each time you play the game so it is not possible for us to give you a step by step process to win. Instead, we’ve listed a few key tips you can apply to your game to help you succeed:

  • Focus on using the cards at the bottom part of the board, especially the ones that still have hidden cards behind them to unlock them.
  • Prioritize the cards that are about to leave an empty space so that you can place a King.
  • Always move the Aces immediately to the four piles but you don’t need to move the next cards unless needed.
  • To make it easier, reset the deck until you have 1 or more Aces at the start of the game that can be placed on the four piles.
  • Think before you tap the upper left deck to move to the next card.
  • Don’t be afraid to start over because solitaire games may bring you to a dead end that is hard or impossible to get out of.
  • Once you’ve revealed all cards, you can start placing all cards in the four piles to complete it. No need to stack them all up perfectly unless there is a card that needs to be placed somewhere to access the cards behind them.
  • Prioritize getting the highest number card you need. For example, if your current highest card is a Black 5, you need to focus on finding a Red 4.
  • If all the cards in the upper left deck are gone and there are still a few hidden cards, start placing some cards in the four piles and rearranging things so that you can move the cards on top of the hidden cards away from it to reveal them.

Now that we’ve laid out our tips, follow these steps to start the game and get the item:

  • Tap the left cabinet door under the sink.
  • Drag the playing cards to the solitaire board on the floor.
  • Play solitaire.
  • Tap the Playing Cards to collect it.

Chocolate Bar

This item is found inside Linda’s mattress.

  • After swiping down the blanket, tap the stitched hole at the side of her mattress.
  • Tap the two button ends of the string to remove them, starting with the strings that are over the other ones. The image below shows the order that the threads need to be removed. After completing the puzzle, a pair of scissors will fall to the floor.
  • Drag the scissors to Linda’s hair and she’ll give you a treat.
  • Tap the Chocolate Bar to collect it.

Yellow Duck

This item is found in the sink.

  • Tap the faucet to open it.
  • Tap the Yellow Duck that floats to collect it.

Perfume Bottle

This item is found behind the clock.

  • Tap the clock.
  • Using the numbers to the right of the clock as a clue, we got the numbers 10 and 25 since 5×2 = 10 and 5 raised to 2 is 25. Move the clock arms to 10:25 to reveal the item behind the clock.
  • Tap the Perfume Bottle to collect it.

The Important Clue is the metal mesh on the window that needs to be broken.

  • Swipe up the sink twice.
  • Drag the sink to the metal mesh window.

Mental Hospital – Escape

For this level, you’ll need to make sure that the guards are facing away when you take action.

Hot Air Balloon Silhouette

This item is found among the clouds at the upper right part of the screen.

Blue Wire

This item is found behind a green box at the middle left part of the screen.

  • Swipe the item to the right.
  • Tap the Blue Wire to collect it.


This item is found inside the guard’s dream.

  • Tap the guard at the watchtower.
  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Sleeping Pills to the mug of the guard at the top of the watchtower when he’s looking away.
  • Tap the Sheep to collect it.

Yellow Lightning

This action will also drop the gold key to the ground.

This item is found inside the energy room at the middle right part of the screen where the valve for the bird wind vane is. Getting this item requires you to take the steps to collect the Sheep first.

  • Swipe the metal drum above the hopscotch game to the left.
  • Drag the golden key from the ground to the door to unlock it.
  • Tap the Yellow Lightning to collect it.

Bird Wind Vane

This item is found above the watch tower but needs to be turned.

  • Swipe down the valve at the middle right part of the screen, above the hopscotch game, until the item is facing the correct direction.
  • Tap the Bird Wind Vane to collect it.

Yellow Bird

This item is produced by the guard on the ground when he is knocked out.

  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Oil to the ground when the guard is not looking. Once the guard slips, he will get knocked out and produce the item.
  • Tap the Yellow Bird to collect it.

Orange Cat

This animal is found under the roof.

  • Swipe the roof 3 times to the left.
  • Drag the fishbone from the nest at the middle right part of the screen to the eyes inside the roof.
  • Tap the Orange Cat to collect it.

Number 4

This number is missing from the hopscotch game on the ground and needs to be written before it can be collected.

  • Swipe the chalk under the piece of roof, at the lower right part of the screen, to the right.
  • Drag the chalk to the space between 5 and 3.
  • Tap the Number 4 to collect it.

H Silhouette

This item is produced by moving pipes around as shown in the image below. Once the H Silhouette has appeared on the ground, tap to collect it.

The Important Clue is the opened door to the right of the watchtower. Upon tapping the doorway, you’ll see a dark room and a box that needs a 3-digit code.

To get the code, you’ll need to count the number of bone symbols, pickaxe symbols and funnel symbols in the dark room. To see the symbols in the dark room, you’ll need to drag the Blue Flash light around.

The correct code for this puzzle is 457. Tap the digits to change them.

City Square

Love Birds

This pair can be found on top of the electrical lines but they need to be next to each other before you can collect them.

  • Swipe the brown bird from the right end all the way to the left where the orange bird is. You’ll need to swipe towards the birds to the left 3 times.
  • Once the two Love Birds are together, tap to collect them.

Blue Book

This item is obtained after solving the pizza puzzle.

  • Tap the pizza sign on the display window of the store by the center of the screen.
  • Cut the pizza according to the image below to get 11 pieces.
  • Tap the Blue Book that appears on the display window to collect it.

Green Go Light

This item is found on the traffic light but it must be fixed first.

  • Tap the traffic light.
  • Tap the 2 screws of the blue broken wire.
  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Blue Wire to the previous location of the broken wire.
  • Drag the 2 screws back to their previous location at the top and bottom of the wire.
  • Tap the Green Go Light to collect it.

Red Heart

This symbol is produced by the old woman on the second floor of the café at the left side of the screen.

  • Swipe the second floor window to the right.
  • Swipe up the red flowers next to the newspaper stand.
  • Drag the red flowers to the old woman.
  • Tap the Red Heart to collect it.

Metal Tool

This item is found in the left window of the pizza place.

  • Swipe up the window.
  • Tap the Metal Tool to collect it.

Leaf Symbol

This symbol is found on the right window of the second floor of the pizza place.

  • Swipe down the right window.
  • Tap the Leaf Symbol to collect it.


This item is obtained from the man walking in front of the café but he needs a place to sit.

  • Drag a chair from the stack of green chairs to the ground next to the table.
  • Wait for the man to sit down.
  • Swipe the ticket from his pants pocket to the right.
  • Tap the Ticket to collect it.


The word can be found in one of the newspapers.

  • Swipe the lower right newspaper upward.
  • Tap the newspaper thrice.
  • Tap the word Police on the lower right part of the newspaper as shown in the image below.

Red Flower

This item can be found inside the green box on top of the table in front of a store but a puzzle must first be solved.

  • Tap the green box.
  • Insert the slides into the box according to the image below to complete the picture.
  • Tap the Red Flower to collect it.

The Important Clue is Margaret’s dad. Tap him to talk to him.

Professor’s House – Entrance

Angel Statue

This item is found to the left of the entrance of the house but is missing a harp and a halo.

  • Drag the harp from the overhang of the door above it to the statue.
  • Swipe the halo hidden in the bush at the right side of the screen to the right.
  • Drag the halo to the statue.
  • Tap the Angel Statue to collect it.

Red Binoculars

This item is in two pieces and must be combined on the walkway of the house before they can be collected.

  • Swipe up the garden hose behind the bush at the right side of the house.
  • Drag the garden hose to the pipe at the left side of the house, just above the round patch of dirt on the grass.
  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Valve to the pipe.
  • Rotate the valve to turn on the water and wash away the dirt.
  • Swipe the binocular piece to the left, on the walkway.
  • Swipe up the attic window at the right side of the house.
  • Drag the binocular piece to the other piece.
  • Tap the Red Binoculars to collect it.

Green Box

This item is found inside the hidden compartment on top of the roof of the house.

  • Drag the stone orb from the right pillar of the house to the walkway tile with the word “LAPIS” and a compartment will reveal itself above the house.
  • Tap the Green Box to collect it.


This item is found under the leaves at the upper right corner of the screen.

  • Swipe the leaves down thrice.
  • Tap to collect the Branch.

Garden Gnome

This item is found behind the wooden gate.

  • Swipe the green plank behind the wooden gate to the right.
  • Swipe the wooden gate doors to the left and the right.
  • Swipe the item peeking from the left side of the gate to the right.


This insect is found at the right side of the house, just above the tall bush near the window but needs to be lit up.

  • Tap the bottom part of the firefly to light it up.
  • Tap the Firefly to collect it.


This animal is found sleeping on one of the branches of the tree at the left side of the screen but needs to be awakened.

  • Tap the owl a few times until it wakes up.
  • Tap the Owl to collect it.


This item is found inside the mailbox.

  • Swipe down the branch on the upper left part of the screen.
  • Drag the saw to the mailbox’s stand.
  • Swipe down the brown envelope inside the broken mailbox twice to reveal the item.
  • Tap the Magnet to collect it.

Mug Silhouette

This item is held by one of the silhouettes of the people that pass in front of the windows. You’ll need to wait for the person holding the Mug Silhouette to pass by before you can tap to collect it.

The Important Clue is found under the yellow rug in front of the entrance of the house.

  • Swipe the rug to the upper left.
  • Drag the key from under the rug to the door.
  • Rotate the 3 circles until they make an inverted “Y” shape.
  • Drag the metal Y key to the center of the circle to unlock the door.

Professor’s House – Living Room

Toy Car

This item is obtained after completing the checker puzzle that starts after tapping the wooden box on the floor. The objective of this game is to make the checkers jump over each other to empty a space until only one checker is left. There are many ways to solve this and the image below shows the steps we took to complete it.

Once the puzzle is solved, tap the Toy Car to collect it.


This item is found on the side table to the right of the double doors.

E Symbol

This symbol is found on the arch above the double doors.

Film Reel

This item is found behind the portrait on the left side of the room.

  • Swipe the brown club symbol behind the gray sofa chair, at the left side of the room, to the right.
  • Drag the club symbol to the slot on the side table at the right side of the screen.
  • Tap the club symbol to press it and the portrait at the left side of the room will fall down, revealing the item.
  • Tap the Film Reel to collect it.

Yellow Seahorse

This symbol is found on the red flag at the right side of the room.

  • Swipe the red flag to the upper right.
  • Tap the Yellow Seahorse.

Blue Music Notes

This item is produced by the violin found inside the ottoman.

  • Swipe up the ottoman to the left of the sofa at the right side of the screen twice to take out the violin.
  • Drag the violin bow from above the double doors to the violin.
  • Tap the Blue Music Notes to collect it.

Golden Pocket Watch

This item is found inside the light green vase on the make up table at the left corner of the room.

  • Swipe the vase to the right to make it fall and break on the floor.
  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Brush to the dust released by the vase.
  • Tap the Golden Pocket Watch to collect it.

Red Compass Symbol

This symbol is found on the curtains.

  • Swipe the curtains’ tie to the left to undo them.
  • Tap the Red Compass Symbol to collect it.

Teal Hearts

This symbol is produced by the dog at the lower left side of the screen.

  • Swipe the steel food cover on the lower right side of the room to the left.
  • Drag the bone to the dog.
  • Tap the Teal Hearts to collect it.

The Important Clue is the lock at the middle of the double doors. The solution is based on the 3×3 grid cupboard found to the right of the doors. Tap the numbers according to the placement of the dishes in any order to unlock the door.

Professor’s House – Treasure Room

Viking Helmet

This item is found on the ceiling but is missing its horns.

  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Horn to the helmet.
  • Tap the brown pot to the left of the red curtain a couple of times to get the second horn.
  • Drag the horn to the helmet.
  • Tap to collect the Viking Helmet.

Gold Bangle

This item is found inside the sarcophagus, on the mummy’s left wrist.

  • Drag the crowbar from the ceiling to the sarcophagus at the bottom of the screen to open it.
  • Swipe up the mummy’s left arm to lift it up.
  • Swipe down the bandage to remove it.
  • Tap the Gold Bangle to collect it.

Bow with 2 Arrows

This item is found on the stone furniture at the left side of the screen but is missing two arrows.

  • Drag the arrow from the ceiling to the bow.
  • Drag the arrow from the sarcophagus to the bow. The sarcophagus is opened using the steps for the previous item.
  • Tap the Bow with 2 Arrows to collect it.


This item is found inside the gold trunk at the left side of the screen.

  • Tap the upper right rectangular button on the trunk.
  • Tap the square button on the other side of the trunk.
  • Swipe down the lid of the trunk.
  • Tap the Ruby to collect it.

Brown Statue

This item is dropped from the ceiling.

  • Swipe the orange box on top of the bookshelf to the right.
  • Drag the lever to the hook on the wall.
  • Rotate the lever to open the ceiling compartment and drop the item.
  • Tap the Brown Statue to collect it.

Armless Woman Statue

This item is found at the central corner of the room.

  • Swipe down the rope around the covered statue 3 times.
  • Swipe down the cover.
  • Drag the light brown pot from behind the bookshelf to the statue.
  • Once the statue drops the vase, tap the Armless Woman Statue to collect it.

Red Flower

This item is found on the pink umbrella in front of the book shelf at the right side of the screen.

  • Tap the umbrella.
  • Swipe it upward to open it.
  • Swipe it downward to change the angle.
  • Tap the Red Flower at the center of it to collect it.


This item is found on the painting on the left side of the room, under the frame.

  • Tap the painting.
  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the pliers to the painting’s two bottom nails to remove them.
  • Tap the Signature to collect it.

Wooden Mask

This item is found behind a stone slab at the left side of the screen.

  • Swipe the item to the right.
  • Tap the Wooden Mask to collect it.

The Important Clue is the door behind the curtain. The clue to unlocking it lies inside the purple book. Tap the symbols on the door according to the image above. The order you tap it does not matter.

Professor’s House – Secret Laboratory


This item is found behind a circular metal panel on the wall, next to the pipe.

  • Tap your Backpack.
  • Drag the Magnet to the metal panel to remove it.
  • Tap the Shuttlecock to collect it.

Pixel Ghost

This item is found inside the computer but you’ll need to enter a password first. Tapping the yellow machine to the right of the computer will sound off a morse code which can be translated using the poster to the left of it as reference. The word it spells is G-A-M-E.

  • Tap the computer and input the word using the computer’s keyboard then press enter.
  • Tap the Pixel Ghost to collect it.


This item is found inside the cardboard box close to the table.

  • Tap the cardboard box.
  • Flip your phone upside down to take out the item.
  • Tap the Wrench to collect it.

Car Picture

The item is found inside the safe under the table.

When you tap the plate at the back of the room with numbers, you’ll notice that there is a word that says “code” at the lower left but it is flipped. This means that you need to flip 0921 to 1260.

  • Tap the safe.
  • Rotate the dial and stop at the numbers 1, 2, 6, and 0.
  • Once the safe is opened, swipe the item to the right.
  • Tap the Car Picture to obtain it.

White Dice

This item is found on top of the fridge at the lower right part of the screen but you’ll need the correct number of dots as the one in the icon before you can collect it.

  • Swipe the dice 6 times.
  • Tap the White Dice to collect it.

Bottle of Milk

This item is found inside the fridge at the lower right part of the screen.

  • Drag the fridge handle on top of the machine at the left side of the table to the fridge.
  • Tap the fridge to open it.
  • Tap the Bottle of Milk to collect it.


This item is found on the ground, at the lower left side of the screen.

  • After opening the fridge from the steps in obtaining the Bottle of Milk, drag the metal ball from the lower row of the fridge to the pendulum to the left.
  • Swipe the pendulum to the right to light up the lightbulb.
  • Tap the Lightbulb to collect it.


This item is found inside the large pipe at the ceiling.

  • Swipe down the pipe with a hole in it and the item will fall down.
  • Tap the Brown Rat to collect it.

Four Squares

This item is found in the monitor underneath the table.

  • Drag the plug to the extension cord socket to turn it on.
  • Tap the monitor.
  • Tap the last 2 buttons.
  • Tap the Four Squares image on screen to collect it.

The Important Clue is the laser and the yellow meteorite piece. Drag the glass on the wall, above the laser machine, to the floor where the laser is pointing to redirect it to the meteorite piece. This will open up a new portal.

And this marks the end of our Walkthrough for Find Joe: Secret of the Stones! We hope that this article helped you get past the trickiest puzzles and move forward in Margaret’s quest to uncover the mysteries of these otherworldly meteorite stones!

Did you enjoy the game? Which puzzle did you have the most difficulty with? Were our instructions easy to follow? Are there other games you want us to cover? Don’t hesitate to leave us a message in the comment box below!